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Tackle Growth Ltd provides an optimal environment for YOU to drive YOUR journey of growth.

We operate at the intersection between high performance and well-being, offering mental performance consultation, mental health counseling, and sport psychology mentorship that is evidence-based and growth fostering. At Tackle Growth, we travel with you as you explore your potential.

Mental performance consultation & mental health counseling

the Difference between Performance Consultation & Mental Health Counseling

A simple way to think about the two is that performance consultation asks “how can we improve our performance?” whereas mental health counseling asks “how can we understand our life experiences and enhance our life?”.

Mental health counseling may be related to performance, but it also relates to things outside of performance. Whereas performance consultation is specific to your performance role and performance experiences.  Although these services do overlap, below is a quick way to see the differences.

mental Performance Consultation

  • Support to achieve growth and optimal performance and well-being

  • Individual, group, or organizational performers of any type (athletes, musicians, managers etc.)

  • Individual performance needs, group dynamics, organisational cohesion, etc

Mental Health Counseling

  • Support to achieve growth and optimal psychological, social, and emotional health and well-being. Can also support growth and optimal performance

  • Any individual, couple, or group

  • Self exploration, coping and regulation, interpersonal relationships, etc

Certified Mental Performance Consultant

thomas W. Gretton

My name is Tom (he/him/his) and I am the Founder and Director of Tackle Growth. I am an Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, and a Licensed Mental Health Counseling Intern.

I am originally from the United Kingdom and moved to the United States in 2016 where I completed my Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology, my Master of Art in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and my Doctorate in Sport Psychology. I currently work as a mental performance consultant for World Rugby, supporting their elite officials and management to deliver positive performance and well-being outcomes. I have delivered therapeutic services in a variety of mental health settings including correctional facilities, universities, and community counseling centers.

We started Tackle Growth due to our passion and fascination with high performance and well-being, and I personally love empowering people to reach for greater potential and live a more authentic and meaningful life.

Stephanie J. GARRETT

My name is Stephanie (she/her/hers) and I am a mental performance consultant in-training at Tackle Growth. I am also a doctoral candidate completing my Ph.D. in Counseling & School Psychology at Florida State University with a cognate in Sport Psychology.

I am originally from San Diego, California and completed my Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. I have experience providing psychological and performance support to NCAA Division I athletes, teams, coaches, and international student-athletes. I also have experience providing individual and group therapy, ADHD coaching, career counseling, and neuropsychological assessment.

I am passionate about providing psychological support at the intersection between mental health and high performance in sport and non-sport populations. I believe in the importance of holistic care which values supporting individuals as people first and performers second.



We offer mental performance consultation, mental health counseling, and sport psychology mentorship.

Mental performance consultation, mental health counseling, and sport psychology mentorship are available online or in-person. Schedule a complimentary connecting call to start your journey!


Mental Performance Consultation

  • Complimentary 30 minute connecting call

  • Opening session and assessment services

  • Individual consultation with all types of performer

  • Group consultation with all types of performer

  • Organizational consultation (i.e., work with management and employees collaboratively)

Mental Health Counseling

  • Complimentary 30 minute connecting call

  • Opening session

  • Individual counseling

  • Group counseling

  • Referral assistance

Sport Psychology Mentorship

What our clients say 

  • Thomas has made significant changes to the dynamics of our group and the individuals within, facilitating a safe, successful environment. This is key in high performance refereeing as officials are exposed to high levels of pressure and criticism. Support around performance and mental health is key for our officials and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Thomas. He has had a huge impact on our Match Officials Team, especially during this crucial year for Women´s Rugby with the Rugby World Cup hosted in New Zealand.

    Alhambra Nievas: World Rugby Women’s High Performance Referee Manager

  • Tom has had an incredible impact on my refereeing performance as well as life off the field. His ability to listen and read behavior means that we have been able to delve deeper beyond the surface “chit chat” and deal with the real issues that has then helped me to make a consistent change. Tom’s questions and insights have helped me understand so much more about my mental performance and he’s empowered me to be able to take on whatever challenge may lie ahead.

    Aimee Barrett-Theron, International Rugby Union Referee

  • Working with Tom has been an empowering and important piece of my development as a young sport psychology professional. His knowledge and belief in his work is clear and the care he has shown towards me and my work has helped me with my own clients. If you are looking for a way to improve your life and your work, Tackle Growth is the place to go!

    Graduate Student Mentee

Research opportunities

  • Mentoring early career researchers

  • Group researcher sessions

  • Peer consultation groups

  • Research project collaboration opportunities

  • Research resembles continuous learning and it informs a lot of what we do at Tackle Growth. We strive to utilize the science-to-practice model in all of our services provided. The process of learning about various populations and various concepts excites me and my research interests currently include psychological safety, performer preparation, existential-humanistic practices, and qualitative methodology. I have presented workshops and lectures at numerous international conferences and have 9 published papers to my name. I enjoy being part of research discussions and collaborating with colleagues, new and old, to help support their interests while also broadening mine. My aspiration is to one day enable Tackle Growth to be a resource hub for researchers where myself and others can engage in group discussions and share ideas with one another with the ambition of contributing quality and meaningful research.

  • Gretton, T. W., Farello, A., Minkler, T. O., Caya, J., & Eccles, D. W. (2023). Impossible perfection: A storytelling reflection. Qualitative Inquiry (online first). DOI:

    Gretton, T. W., Caviedes, G., Buning, M., Webster, K., & Eccles, D. W. (2022). The transition of an applied sport psychology training program at a US university from a face-to-face to a virtual mode: An autoethnographic case study. Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6(1), 45-53. DOI:

    Eccles, D. W., Caviedes, G., Balk, Y., Harris, N., & Gretton, T. W. (2021). How to help athletes get the mental rest needed to perform well and stay healthy. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. DOI:

    Gretton, T. W. (2020). Think like a warrior: The five inner beliefs that make you unstoppable [Book review]. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. DOI:

    Gretton, T. W., Blom, L. C., Hankemeier, D. A., & Judge, L. W. (2020). The cognitive component of elite high jumpers’ pre-performance routines. The Sport Psychologist, 34(2), 99-110. DOI:

    Eccles, D. W., Balk, Y., Gretton, T. W., & Harris, N. (2020). “The forgotten session”: Advancing research and practice concerning the psychology of rest in athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. DOI:

    Wallace, A. K., Blom, L. C., & Gretton, T. W. (2019). “Mental imagery & strength training: Student athletes’ perceptions, desires, and the impact of psychoeducation”. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 14(1), 1-9. DOI: 

    Gretton T. W. (2019). The role of the coach in pre-performance routines. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Online.

    Gretton, T. W., Hirsh, K., Anderson, D., & Johnson, C. (2019). The value of pre-performance routines in sport. Young Writer’s Corner: Association for Applied Sport Psychology Newsletter.

    Gretton, T. W. (2018). Developing the hidden dimension: Coaching tips to assist an adolescent athlete’s pre-performance preparation. Strategies: A Journal for Physical Sport Educators, 31(1), 48-50. DOI: 

frequently asked questions

  • Session costs for performance consultation, counseling, and supervision are determined on a case by case basis. We do not take insurance for our work, only direct payment. Getting on the same page for session costs can be tricky, so to help with this, pricing will be an area we discuss in our complimentary, 30 minute introductory session.

  • We believe that growth is a choice and that you do not need to have a specific issue for help and support to be available. However, we are also here to support you through whatever challenges you are facing. Whether it be relationship challenges, work-related stress, or performing under pressure, we can provide caring, authentic support to you. If you believe in self-exploration, unlocking new potential, and finding success in your journey of growth, then Tackle Growth is for you!

  • There are many ways to determine if our work is impactful. Sometimes it can be through us repeatedly viewing test scores and other times it can just be through a feeling you get going into a performance or your next conversation with your manager. The worlds of sport and performance psychology and mental health counseling are full of objective and subjective ways to measure growth and success. Sometimes you may notice immediate changes to your thoughts or actions. Other times you may not notice change until a few months after we begin working together. To us, however, the biggest indication of impact is if you are perceiving yourself as an individual who is growing and confident in this growth. For example, becoming more self-aware, making different choices, or building better relationships are just some examples of how you can see your growth and the impact of our work. At Tackle Growth, we also gather feedback on your perceptions of us as consultants and counselors. Throughout our work together, you will have plenty of opportunities to share your feedback on the effectiveness of our work and we will always be available to collaborate with you to help improve the services we offer.

  • Protecting confidentiality is something that we prioritize and take seriously at Tackle Growth. After agreeing to work together, we do not share information that is discussed in one-on-one or in group spaces with those outside. We also do not share that we are working with your organization, for example, unless you provide permission. Your information and what we discuss is private to us and we will protect that to the best of our ability. All notes and files that we keep are password protected and inaccessible to anyone but the person you directly work with. We do not conduct sessions in public spaces unless agreed upon by the client and the consultant or counselor you work with.

  • Yes! If you are interested in mentorship with a Tackle Growth professional, these hours will count towards sport psychology (AASP) certification. We also provide support within mentorship that is designed to help new consultants understand the process of gaining sport psychology certification.

  • How much we meet is entirely up to you! Both individual and group sessions are available to schedule at a weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly rate. If you need to reschedule a session, you can contact Tackle Growth directly or alter your appointment online at . If you cancel or reschedule your appointment within 24 hours of the initial, agreed upon session time, there is a small cancellation/rescheduling fee. There is also a fee for no-shows.

  • • For performance consultation, we offer two different types of group. The first are what are known as performance groups. These typically address a specific area of performance (e.g., in performance decision making) and blend educational and discussion based learning. The second type of group are known as process groups whereby the focus is broader and dependent on what people bring into group. Unlike the performance groups, there is no pre-emptive agenda in the process groups and content can vary within and across group sessions. We offer the opportunity for groups to be provided to a specific team or organization as well as provide separate groups to anyone who is interested from the wider community.

    • For mental health counseling, we also offer two different types of groups. The first are process groups whereby what we discuss is dependent on what people bring into group. There is no pre-emptive agenda in the process groups and content can vary within and across group sessions. We also offer tailored groups which are groups that are tailored to the concerns and needs of the people that work with us. For example, if five people who work with Tackle Growth are dealing with the loss of a partner, we may offer a group focused on grief and loss. We like to provide groups that match your interests so feel free to share feedback on what groups you would like to be part of as you join!

  • To get started, “click here” to schedule your complimentary 30-minute introductory session. Here we get to meet each other, discuss your interests and objectives, and confirm logistics such as pricing, scheduling, and more. We look forward to working with you!


get in touch

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